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Your piece of the trillion dollar agribusiness
How we work with partners to bring solutions to commodity marketplaces
Benefits of becoming a partner
Quick Go-to-Market
With simple API connection you are ready to provide services or run marketplaces on the Binkabi network
Instant Liquidity
Join buyers, sellers, banks, warehouses and commodity exchanges already on the Binkabi network
Revenue opportunities
Convert fixed set-up costs into variable costs that scale with your marketplaces. Earn revenue from services provided
You are in good company
Partnership opportunities
We develop and operate Binkabi Network working with the following partners
Services: Bank account infrastructure
Revenue: Grow deposits, new customers and other fee generating services
Commodity exchanges
Services: Licensed to issue electronic warehouse receipts providing guarantee for quality and quantity for commodities
Revenue: Issuance fees
Services: Warehouse receipt lending or inputs financing
Revenue: Interest and fees
Warehouse providers
Services: Accredited to provide storage facilities for commodities (in warehouse or silos)
Revenue: Handling, Assaying and storage fees
Logistics services
Services: Road and sea transport services
Revenue: Logistics fees
Market operators
Revenue: Run your own commodity market using Binkabi technology
Revenue: Transaction fees

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